quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010

Present Perfect 2

Podemos usar Just, Already e yet junto com o Present Perfect.
(You can use Just, already and yet with Present Perfect)

Just = a short time ago
ocorreu a um pequeno periodo de tempo atrás.


Are you hungry?

No, I have just had breakfast.

Already = before you expected / something  happened sooner than expected
Ocorreu antes do esperado.

- What time is Rafael coming?

- He has already arrived.
(before you expected)

Yet = until now/ Shows that the speaker is specting something to happen.
Used only in questions and negative sentences.
(mostra que o falante está esperando que algo aconteça.
é usado apenas em questões e em frases negativas)

- Has Rafael arrived yet?

- No, not yet.


Podemos usar também: today, this evening, this month,... Quando estes periodos não estiverem acabados no momento da fala.( We can use: today, this evening, this month,... When the periods are not finished at the moment  of speaking)


Rafael has played videogame today.

Have you had classes this week?

I haven't see Brian today.

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